Duke University | Pratt School of Engineering

Triangle Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Workshop


Thank you all who attended and made the workshop a success.
You may find the presentation by Scott Barton of MolMex/SAXSLab here.

May 14, 2013

Duke University
Schiciano Auditorium
Fitzpatrick CIEMAS Building


 Parking is available at the Bryan Center.

Click here to register


8:30 - 9:00 Arrival, Coffee

9:00 - 9:05 Welcome (Bob Rose, Mark Walters, Stefan Zauscher)

9:05 - 9:50 Anton Paar SAXSESSmc2 (Gerd Langenbucher, Anton Paar)

9:50-10:00 Questions and Short Break

10:00-10:45 SAXSLAB Ganesha 300XL (Scott Barton and Karsten Joensen, Saxslab)

10:45-11:15 Questions and Coffee Break

11:15-12:00 Soundbites (short presentations by participants about research and interest in SAXS, Wiersma coordinating)

12:00-1:00 Lunch and Networking

1:00-1:15 Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony

1:15-1:45 SMIF Tour and SAXS Instrumentation (Mark Walters, Gerd Langenbucher, Scott Barton, Karsten Joensen)

1:45-1:55 Questions and Short Break

1:55-2:10 Introduction to SMIF and Access to SAXS Instrumentation (Mark Walters)

2:10-3:10 Talk 1 "Introduction to SAXS, Applications and Data Classification" (Peter Worsch, Anton Paar)

3:10-3:30 Coffee Break

3:30-4:30 Talk 2 "Pore Structure and Fluid Sorption in Ordered Mesoporous Silica: New Insight from in-situ Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering" (Gerhard Findenegg, TU-Berlin)

4:30-5:00 Networking and User Group Meeting (discussion about hands-on workshops on May 15-16, 2013)

5:00 Adjourn