Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Facility
Current Announcements:
"Beyond Rg" Special Short Course at APS
APS SAXS special interest group is organizing, again, small-angle scattering course, "Beyond Rg". The course is mainly intended for (young) faculty, postdocs, and advanced PhD students wishing to become proposals PI or at least users of synchrotron (~APS) SAXS instruments and may not have enough education or need refresher course.
The course combines together 2 days of experiments, 2 days of classes (theory, applications) and two days of software course (select one of the three parallel courses: materials SAXS = Irena, BioSAXS = ATSAS, and GISAXS=???).
The course is in the end of October, 2013 at APS.
Here are details and registration link: