Duke University | Pratt School of Engineering

Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Facility

Current Announcements:

"Beyond Rg" Special Short Course at APS

APS SAXS special interest group is organizing, again, small-angle scattering course, "Beyond Rg". The course is mainly intended for (young) faculty, postdocs, and advanced PhD students wishing to become proposals PI or at least users of synchrotron (~APS) SAXS instruments and may not have enough education or need refresher course.

The course combines together 2 days of experiments, 2 days of classes (theory, applications) and two days of software course (select one of the three parallel courses: materials SAXS = Irena, BioSAXS = ATSAS, and GISAXS=???).

The course is in the end of October, 2013 at APS.

Here are details and registration link:


The Triangle Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Facility (SAXS) serves researchers throughout the Research Triangle of North Carolina engaged in soft matter research.

Located at Duke University’s Shared Materials Instrumentation Facility (SMIF), the SAXS offers state-of-the-art resources to researchers in the  Triangle MRSEC as well as area researchers in the areas of materials science, structural biology, polymer and colloidal chemistry, and chemical and biomedical engineering at Research Triangle universities.